Work with me.

Throw away the scale.

You heard me. You’ve spent years (maybe even decades) placing your worth in your body size and obsessing over what others think of you.

Been there, lived that, tried everything.

I’ve been exactly where you are right now. I judged my body in every passing mirror, tracked every single macro and forced myself to endure hours of cardio.

I was “doing everything right” but nothing seemed to work.

Now, I’ve helped hundreds of women break up with food rules, transform their confidence and achieve sustainable health through both group and 1:1 counseling programs.


This is for YOU if…

  • You are constantly thinking about your body and negative self-talk plagues your mind daily.

  • You have tried every trick in the diet handbook, yet nothing ever seems to work long-term.

  • You want to feel happier, healthier and more confident without dieting or food rules.

  •  You are sick of obsessing over every calorie, tracking every workout and fixating on every "flaw.

  • You desire a life full of experiences, deep connections and knowing your worth.

It’s time to change your narrative.